Canary Islands

Yachting in the Canary Islands offers an exhilarating experience, combining stunning natural beauty with excellent sailing conditions year-round. Located off the northwest coast of Africa, this Spanish archipelago is composed of seven main islands: Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, La Palma, La Gomera, and El Hierro. Each island offers unique attractions, from volcanic landscapes to lush forests and pristine beaches.

Key Destinations

Tenerife: The largest of the Canary Islands, Tenerife is home to Mount Teide, the highest peak in Spain and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The island offers vibrant nightlife in cities like Santa Cruz de Tenerife, as well as tranquil spots such as Los Gigantes and Masca for sailing and snorkeling.

Gran Canaria: Known for its diverse climates and landscapes, Gran Canaria offers beautiful beaches like Playa de las Canteras and unique natural formations such as Roque Nublo. The marinas in Las Palmas and Puerto Rico provide excellent facilities for yacht charters.


Lanzarote: Lanzarote je proslulé měsíční krajinou, kterou utvářela sopečná činnost, a nabízí jedinečné zážitky z plavby kolem národního parku Timanfaya a klidných pláží Papagayo. Marina Rubicón je oblíbeným výchozím bodem pro poznávání ostrova.

La Gomera: La Gomera je klidnější a nedotčenější ostrov, ideální pro milovníky přírody. Jeho bujné lesy a strmá údolí, zejména v národním parku Garajonay, nabízejí nádherné výhledy a klidné podmínky pro plavbu.

Podmínky pro plavbu a nejlepší doba pro návštěvu

The Canary Islands enjoy a mild climate throughout the year, influenced by the northeast trade winds. The best time for yachting is generally from October to April, when the conditions are most favorable for sailing, avoiding the intense heat of the summer months. Wind speeds typically range from 17 to 25 knots, providing consistent and reliable sailing conditions

Activities and Attractions

The Canary Islands offer a variety of activities for yachting enthusiasts:

  • Snorkeling and Diving: The clear waters around the islands are perfect for exploring underwater life, particularly around Lanzarote and Tenerife.
  • Historical Sites: Visit historical sites like the ancient capital of Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, and the picturesque town of San Sebastián de La Gomera, where Christopher Columbus prepared for his voyages.
  • Cultural Events: Enjoy local festivals and markets, such as the Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, which is one of the largest in the world​.

With its combination of stunning landscapes, rich history, and ideal sailing conditions, the Canary Islands offer a unique and unforgettable yachting experience.

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