Co dělat, když se objeví tornádo na Jadranu

Published by Plujeme on 16.10.2024
Co dělat, když se objeví tornádo na Jadranu

How to prepare for a tornado at sea?

Preparing for a tornado in the Adriatic starts with monitoring weather forecasts. Apps like Windy can detect storms that signal the possibility of a tornado. Do you see a storm forecast? Hide in a safe cove. Make sure all loose items on board are securely fastened. Minimize the risk of damage. Prepare sails in case of emergency. The interior of the boat should be cleared of loose objects that could become hazardous. Remember, the best defense is prevention and avoidance of dangerous situations.

How to behave during a tornado in the Adriatic

If you find yourself in the vicinity of a tornado on the Adriatic, stay calm and observe safety precautions. Above all, try to stay out of the path of the tornado. If you are on a boat, find the nearest sheltered harbour. Make sure you are securely tied up and check that all windows and doors are closed. If this is not possible, turn the boat to face the wind to minimize its impact. Keep away from windows and follow the skipper's instructions. It is important to remain calm to minimize the risk of injury and damage to property.

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